воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


The only required configuration is the ''Source Paths'' setting. The fifth element of the main window is hidden by default: Besides reporting various information like errors and warnings during source code analysis and program errors it is also used to display the full text search results. It's the main part of the user interface and it's the only part you can not reposition or disable. Visit the Unreal Technology site. uncodex

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The full text search allows you to search for text in all the source files. Last edited by Shadowriver ; Browsing the code on GitHub works for the online aspect of it, for instance although doesn't jump over classes; that could be done in Qt Creator and such. Last edited by RattleSN4K3 ; When an error like this happens during source code analysis it is mostlikely due to a serious error in the source code. Game launching Through the ''Launch game'' menu you are able to start a client or server instance of the game.

Originally posted by Wormbo View Post.

Unreal Wiki

Check out the Epic games site. I did the same thing as GreatEmerald and used the search function of GitHub. Which part umcodex it do you mean?


You either made a programming error, or you forgot to include the source path that contains the package with this class. Looking for ucodex and company info?

Discarding token You can ignore this message. Press ''yes'' to open the program settings window.

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UnCodeX will now prompt you to scan and analyse the the sources Press ''yes'' to scan and analyse This process might take some time depending on the amount of source files and the speed of your computer When you make structural changes, like adding new packages, you should rebuild uuncodex analyse tree. Is there something like a Doxygen output for the engine classes?

This allows the programmer easily navigate uuncodex source code and thereby gain more insight in how all the classes relate.


It is basically a GUI to configure and and execute a commandline. Forums Forum Rules Map Unlock.

Orphan detected The mentioned class uncoedx a class that was not found in the existing class tree. You can also limit the scope of source files to search, this will allow you to only search a hierarchical subset of the source code. It shows the various packages and the classes it contain. Missing classes or packages UnCodeX does not recognize new packages automatically, and in some cases it does not find new classes in existing packages.

Visit the Unreal Technology site. When you later on do add classes undodex this package you will have to rebuild the tree. When you click one of these properties it uncoxex directly jump the source preview to the location where the property is defined in the source code.

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If you encounter errors during the source code analysis please check the Troubleshooting section Usage Main Window Below is a screenshot of the main windows in it's default configuration.

Theres API refrence https: You are also able to create some presets. Besides reporting various information like errors and warnings during source code analysis and program errors it is also used to display the full text search results. API refrence also good for those who use blueprints, in refrence all blueprint exposed things are makred with blue file icon.


I use Grep on the source directories myself, sure its not exactly uncodex but I used that mostly ubcodex its search function anyways, it was nice to see official code in a different highlighter sometimes as not to confuse the native classes and the fact uncodex didnt allow you to edit files.

Unhandled exception in class My workflow always relied heavily on having UnCodeX for easy reference What do people use nowadays to explore the engine and game classes? This is the log.

This uuncodex is often followed by an history list, the last entry in the histor usually lists on what line things started to go wrong.

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